This place is the antithesis of fancy with mismatched tables and chairs, giraffe statues, and a TV with horrible reception. Somewhere behind that blizzard on the TV screen is the UCLA vs. Washington basketball game. If you saw the game, you'd realize we were lucky to have terrible reception.
Though the mac & cheese was the star, I also really liked the chicken wings. Chicken wings can be annoying when they are all bone and no meat, but these babies were plump and meaty. You get two side dishes with your order and I also had some tasty cornbread, but would probably try the greens or sweet potatoes next time to add some different color to the plate.
Second Thoughts from B
Anyone remember the Barenaked Ladies? They had a few hits in the mid-90's and have achieved cult status in Canada. They're also hilarious and wonderfully entertaining live. So what does a pudgy group of Canadians have to do with soul food in DC? Bear with me, I'll get there. I promise.
The highlight of any Barenaked Ladies concert is the song, "If I Had a Million Dollars." It is this goofy song about all the things they would buy with, you guessed it, a million dollars. Ultimately it's a song about wanting love, but in between all the other desires in life (house, car, a monkey, etc.) they mention mac & cheese, or "Kraft Dinner" if you're from the great white north. (Ah hah! The connection... finally.)
The song goes like this:
If I had a million dollars
We wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner
But we would eat Kraft Dinner
Of course we would, we’d just eat more
Like our Canadian friends, J and I love our mac & cheese, and given the choice that great riches could provide, we still prefer that familiar favorite from our childhoods. So when we place the "best ever" title on Oohhs & Aahhs' mac & cheese and place it above Kraft's version, that's saying something.
So have you picked up this not so subtle hint yet? The mac & cheese is good. Go get some. I could easily end there but it wouldn't do justice to J's wings. Second only to those found in Puerto Rican winter baseball stadiums which I'm convinced are laced with crack, these are pretty tremendous in their own right. The problem is that they'll always play second fiddle to the mac & cheese in my book. But oohh what a combo they make. Trust us on that and stay away from the chicken breast.