After all of the snow and darkness, Surfside was just the right cure for the winter doldrums. As we watched the final evening of the Winter Olympics on Surfside's TV, the snow and ice of Vancouver seemed like light years away.
Second Thoughts From B
Woah, dude, what a tubular joint we've found! When you're jonesing for some bodacious grub, catch a wave to Surfside, bra.
Nothing makes me channel my inner Spicoli like a good fish taco. I don't know what it is, but it seems synonymous with a laid back surf town vibe and cool ocean breeze. And just like some of my other culinary favorites, I usually can't resist ordering fish tacos when they are on the menu, especially when I'm so far away from the beach.
Now if the surfer-friendly environment at Surfside was its only redeeming quality, I might still seek it out for a little taste of home in the middle of our next winter blast. But what made our trip such a revelation was the food. Regular readers are used to us (or tired of us) writing wistfully of our favorite West Coast dishes and comparing them so favorably to their East Coast interpretations. How many times have we said that the Mexican food/sushi/Chinese food was good for DC but back in California...
As a demonstation that we're at least as "fair and balanced" as Fox News, I'm about to commit West Coast sacrilege. With all due respect to L.A., San Diego, and Hawaii, these were the best fish tacos I've ever had. There's no "but" coming, no qualifying statement. They were simply the best. Perfectly cooked, high-quality pieces of fish. Perfect proportion of cabbage and sauce. Just enough kick to make it interesting. I loved it.
So, there, I said it. And I wouldn't be surprised if I'll be disowned or not allowed back home again. But if that's the case, I've now got a little piece of home in Glover Park.
(And to all my friends back West shaking their heads and saying, "Oh yeah, I bet you've never been to..." Probably not, but I look forward to your attempts to prove me wrong.)
Wow those look really good. Since you're from SoCal, I take your assessment as high praise. I may have to seek this place out.
I still really miss Rubios. Oh, and Islands, too.
The best fish tacos I ever had were on the beach in La Boufadora, Baja California. We used to go on scuba diving trips down to La Boufadora. We would spear some fish during our dive and then trade the fish for fish tacos with the fish taco venders on the beach. Then we'd stop in Puerto Nuevo for lobster dinner on the way home. Ahhhh, the memories.
"I tried the Nevis shrimp tacos (two grilled shrimp tacos with yellow rice, pineapple jalapeno salsa, guacamole and lime sour cream - hold the cilantro por favor)."---this really makes me want some shrimp tacos at 9:00 in the morning but whatever. I'll take the cilantro even if J doesn't like it!
Please hold the cilantro for J!
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